Work Package 1 (WP1) deals with organisational and managerial tasks.
More specially, its objectives are :
- To monitor the technical progress, financial, administrative and legal aspects and plan of the project.
- To consolidate the project planning, progress reports, milestone reports, cost statements and budgetary overviews.
- To facilitate communication with Topic Manager and Clean Sky JU.
- To perform the required activities concerning the dissemination and exploitation of the results.
The objectives of Work Package 2 (WP2) are twofold:
provide a test model fitted with the baseline PJA to be used in the wind tunnel,
generate a versatile database on which outer-flow numerical simulations will be assessed and will be used as input of the optimization tools (WP3).
To this end, WP2 will combine both experimental and numerical tools to analyze the flow around a generic wind tunnel model (swept wing) up to Reynolds number equal to 10^6. Experiments are conducted in the large wind-tunnel facility of UORL, while the numerical simulations will be performed by ENSAM using the NEK5000 solver. The experimental database will be used to assess the performances of the numerical approach. Besides, a first generation of PJAs will be developed by INSA. This actuator prototype will be then implemented within the wind tunnel model to investigate its control authority.

Work Package 3 (WP3) aims at providing an optimized version of the fluidic actuators outperforming the first generation developed during WP2. To this end, WP3 is divided in three main tasks. First, a sensitivity analysis will be performed, using numerical (ENSAM) and experimental (UORL) data obtained in WP2, to identify the optimal characteristics of the PJAs, such as frequency, mass flow rate, jet velocity, actuator outlet dimensions ... In addition, high fidelity numerical simulations (ENSAM) of the PJA's internal flow will then be developed and compared to industrial-type numerical models (INSA). These tools will be used for the design of optimized PJAs. Finally, these new actuators will be manufactured and experimentally characterized in quiescent air (INSA). The actuators developed within WP3 will be implemented in the final tests performed in WP4.
The objectives of Work Package 4 (WP4) are threefold:
Investigate the interactions between the PJAs and the free stream flow to identify the physical mechanisms leading to the flow separation delay
Improve the control efficiency using dual frequency actuators
Evaluate the control strategies and upscale the methodology for adaption to full scale model.
To achieve these objectives, the optimal design resulting of WP3 manufactured by INSA will be implemented in the wind tunnel model (UORL) to evaluate the robustness of the optimal configuration identified numerically through the sensitivity analysis. The main target aims at evaluating how control efficiency varies with respect to the PJAs parameters. This task will serve as a validation of the optimal configuration and will allow for further verifying the robustness of the optimal strategy to working conditions and external parameters such as, for instance the Reynolds number and the Mach number. Simultaneously, numerical simulations by ENSAM will explore the possibility of dual-frequency actuation with the aim to further decrease the net mass flow necessary for the actuation. The key idea of dual-frequency actuation is to leverage on additional instability mechanisms such as triadic interactions to trigger large amplitude perturbations (steady or unsteady) at the separation point. The manufacturing of such multi frequency PJAs, will be undertaken by INSA. Finally, a design methodology based on the sensitivity analysis coupled to high-fidelity numerical models for an optimized configuration of PJAs will be proposed for possible application to a full-scale model.