INSA is a public Engineering School, part of the University of Toulouse which trains more than 100,000 students. With 8 research labs, among which the Institute Clément Ader (ICA – UMR CNRS 5312), and 230 PhD students, INSA is internationally recognized for its high level research. The Microfluidics Group of ICA ( involved in the PERSEUS project has have developed strong expertise in the design, development and experimental characterization of fluidic actuators and micro actuators, notably for flow control applications.
INSA will be responsible for the coordination of WP3 "Design, Optimization, Manufacturing and Experimental Characterization of PJAs" and WP5 "Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation", and will also be strongly involved in WP2 and be in charge of the design, manufacturing and experimental characterization of dual-frequencies actuators in WP4.